Sunday, February 06, 2022

11 PM Sun Feb 6 2022 UTC - News Sentiment Report

Posted by InfoSlider on Sunday, February 06, 2022 | No comments

Result of analysing 767 articles
GMT: 11 PM Sun Feb 6 | CST: 5 PM Sun Feb 6

United States 8.0% mostly: Negative
Newest: Israeli leader Naftali Bennett talks to Joe Biden about Syria raid that killed Islamic State leader Link
China 6.0% mostly: Negative
Newest: India can be alternative for Central Asian nations fearing Chinese yoke Link
Covid-19 6.0% mostly: Negative
Newest: Crowds of demonstrators join rallies across Canada as Covid-19 trucker protests spread Link
Olympics 5.0% mostly: Positive
Newest: China and Pakistan renew belt and road pledges in aftermath of Balochistan attacks Link
Bitcoin 5.0% mostly: Positive
Newest: Is Bitcoin Becoming Just Another Tech Stock? - Forbes Link
Technology 4.0% mostly: Negative
Newest: Guidelines on Trading Cryptocurrency Over the Blockchain Link
Queen 4.0% mostly: Positive
Newest: Coronavirus: Hit and run at vaccine protests in Canada; Russia reaches 180,000 cases daily Link
Crypto 4.0% mostly: Neutral
Newest: U.S. Introduced Crypto Tax Fairness Act to Adopt Crypto As Payment Method Link
Russia 4.0% mostly: Neutral
Newest: Top Biden aide warns Russia’s Ukraine invasion could come ‘any day’ Link
Ukraine 3.0% mostly: Negative
Newest: Scholz says Germany open to boosting troops in Baltics Link


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