Tuesday, July 26, 2022

11 PM Tue Jul 26 2022 UTC - News Sentiment Report

Posted by InfoSlider on Tuesday, July 26, 2022 | No comments

Result of analysing 952 articles
GMT: 11 PM Tue Jul 26 | CST: 6 PM Tue Jul 26

Crypto 12.0% mostly: Positive
Newest: Private Information About Coinbase Brings Crypto Market Lower (Video) Link
Bitcoin 11.0% mostly: Positive
Newest: Bitcoin: Are Crypto Miners Profitable At Today's BTC-USD Price? Link
United States 8.0% mostly: Negative
Newest: Beyond China: US’ Xinjiang cotton ban has far-reaching implications, even for Asian alternatives Link
China 3.0% mostly: Positive
Newest: Biden administration working behind the scenes to convince Pelosi of the risks of traveling to Taiwan Link
Hong Kong 3.0% mostly: Negative
Newest: Hong Kong’s Exchange Fund to report ‘significant’ first-half loss as ‘perfect storm’ sends all assets into free fall, .. Link
Ukraine 2.0% mostly: Neutral
Newest: WhiteBIT CEO Volodymyr Nosov on How His Company Helps Ukraine Link
United Kingdom 2.0% mostly: Positive
Newest: Meet Freya, the 600kg walrus sinking boats and capturing hearts in Europe Link
Russia 2.0% mostly: Negative
Newest: Nato’s latest expansion plan could be beginning of the end as waning West targets ‘Russia threat’ Link
Technology 2.0% mostly: Positive
Newest: Cryptoverse: What crisis? Venture capitalists bet big on crypto boom Link
Money 1.0% mostly: Neutral
Newest: Crypto Weekly: Tesla sells its stash - Reuters.com Link


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