Tuesday, December 06, 2022

11 PM Tue Dec 6 2022 UTC - News Sentiment Report

Posted by InfoSlider on Tuesday, December 06, 2022 | No comments

Result of analysing 1143 articles
GMT: 11 PM Tue Dec 6 | CST: 5 PM Tue Dec 6

Bitcoin 16.0% mostly: Negative
Newest: Crypto Markets Today: Fir Tree Suit Against Grayscale Adds to Industry’s Growing Woes Link
Crypto 11.0% mostly: Negative
Newest: Crypto is under-taxed in the US. Here's what Congress can do to change that. Link
United States 5.0% mostly: Neutral
Newest: Trump Organization convicted in tax dodging scheme Link
China 3.0% mostly: Neutral
Newest: China’s Covid lockdown plight is the result of putting policy before people Link
Ukraine 2.0% mostly: Neutral
Newest: What we know about the strikes on air bases inside Russia Link
Money 2.0% mostly: Neutral
Newest: We Can't Just Sit Back and Let Crypto Burn Link
Technology 2.0% mostly: Neutral
Newest: Bitcoin Adoption on the Rise in Africa: A Discussion on the Lightning Network and Mining Technology Link
Africa 2.0% mostly: Negative
Newest: Strike Brings Lightning-Based Remittance Payments to Africa Link
Twitter 1.0% mostly: Neutral
Newest: Nayib Bukele Taunts Bloomberg for One-Sided Story on El Salvador By DailyCoin Link
Russia 1.0% mostly: Neutral
Newest: Drone strikes deep in Russia expose vulnerabilities, as Moscow blames Ukraine Link


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